Brief description of your role
Oversee and advise on all aspects of MCNA
Abide by the requirements of the MCNA Mission Statement and Bylaws
Time commitment - monthly/annually
2-3 hours/month
Relevant technology you use to complete the task
Google docs
Apple Pages
Zoom (during COVID)
Meetings you must attend
All board meetings
Any special meetings
Projects and/or events you manage
Preside over all Board meetings
Call for special meetings when necessary
Call for special votes when necessary
Sign Correspondence and directives of the Association
Co-sign all checks over $300
Outline the quarterly meeting, keep the minutes until a Secretary can be found
Schedule time and location of all Board meetings
*as seen in bylaws
Annual budget
No specific budget for this office
Any other information you think is important
May be responsible for Nextdoor management
According to bylaws, should be co-signing all checks over $300
Bylaws indicate the past president is responsible for recruitment, but in general this is currently handled by the President.