MCNA Board
The following residents have volunteered their time in board positions to support our community through organizing community groups, putting on MCNA funded activities, and leading disaster preparedness education and drills.
Kristy Wheeler
Responsible for presiding over all board meetings, calling general or special meetings at their discretion, co-signing checks, and signing MCNA correspondence and directives.
Sara Brooks
Vice President
Responsible for supporting the President, performing duties of President in their absence, overseeing activities of all committees and ensuring bylaws are observed.
Open Position
Prepares and distributes the MCNA board meeting minutes and maintains all MCNA correspondence.
Kate Castonguay
Maintain MCNA books, submit financial statements at board meetings, co-sign checks, and prepare and file annual tax returns.
Lee Howard
Co-Chair NRG Program
Responsible for establishing a nominating committee which will develop the slate of nominees for the Board.
John Howard
Co-Chair NRG Program
Responsible for establishing a nominating committee which will develop the slate of nominees for the Board.
Bob Bundy
Responsible for establishing a nominating committee which will develop the slate of nominees for the Board.
Ashley Mirkovich
Oversee a membership activities and provides updates at MCNA board meetings.
Dave Goodspeed
Responsible for maintaining the MCNA website and email communications.
Open Position
Responsible for overseeing committees to put on social events like our annual summer BBQ, Halloween parade, Santa on Fire Truck, and Spring Picnic/Egg Hunt.
If you are interested in learning more about this role or applying, please complete the Contact form here.
Open Position
Responsible for coordinating creation of content and producing the bi-annual newsletter.
If you are interested in learning more about this role or applying, please complete the Contact form here.
Catherine Wold
School Liaison
Report to the board all issues relevant regarding the LCM school district.
Kimberly Adams
Oversee all issues related to improvements to physical features and appearance in Mariner Cove.
Katherine Harriman Bourke
Parent's Group
Responsible for overseeing the scheduling and promotion of Parent group activities.
Bill Kimball
Town Liaison
Attend any Town meeting dealing with issues relevant to Mariner Cove. Report to the MCNA board on the results from such meetings.
Volunteer for the next MCNA event or join the board and have an impact in your community!
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