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Get Involved

Because our program is based on NEIGHBOR HELPING NEIGHBOR, you are invited to participate in numerous ways.


  1. Learn how to prepare and protect your family in a major earthquake, wildfire or a public safety power shutoff

  2. Put up your OK or HELP sign during the NRG drills on the days we change our clock

  3. Volunteer to join one of the teams that work to keep Mariner Cove ready​



  • This role is shared among 2-3 neighbors in each cluster of twenty homes.

  • Before an earthquake, the Block Captains visit the residents in their cluster and share information to educate them for disaster preparedness and response.

  • During the two drills, the Block Captains work one hour to practice using the two-way radio and to carry out responses to injuries and hazards.

  • During an earthquake, the Block Captain takes care of their family first and then monitors the cluster to report injuries and hazards to the Command Team via two-way radio.



  • These are the folks who report to the disaster trailer behind Cove School during the drill or in a major earthquake.

  • They receive the radio reports from the Block Captains and help to solve the problems



  • The Medical Team reports to the trailer in drills and earthquakes and provides advice to solve  medical problems.

  • The Field Medical Team is composed of nurses and doctors who would report to their places of work in a disaster BUT if they cannot travel, these folks work in Mariner Cove to help neighbors with injuries



  • This team has training in CERT (Community Emergency Response Team).

  • Mariner Cove needs to build this team. We need folks to take the twenty hour class to become certified.

  • You would work on a team of 3-4 fellow CERT neighbors to provide help.


Join the NRG Volunteer Team!
I/We would like to become involved in:

Thank you for contacting us our volunteering!We will be in touch soon.

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